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How To Paint Your Interior With Eco-Friendly Product

It takes healthy and conscientious choices to turn a room into a refuge. Whether you realise it or not, the materials you select to bring into your home have an influence on overall life quality.

Indoors air envelope us roughly 80% of the time, the air we breathe is not healthy for humans or the environment. Harmful interior paints are to blame for a variety of illnesses that can impact us and our nearest and dearest, including the four-legged family members.

Are you also aware that every single plastic painting tray ever made is still on the planet? It's horrific to realize of how many painting trays, dust sheets, and paintbrushes people have thrown away in trash over the years.

The great news is that several excellent manufacturers are now selling biodegradable, compostable, and sustainable decorating items, allowing us to spruce up our homes without contaminating the air with hazardous VOCs or adding considerably to landfills.

Avoid VOCs Paints

You've certainly discovered that low- or no-VOC paint is better, yet you might really understand what this means or why it matters. VOCs are "volatile organic compounds," or the fumes emitted by a substance that is harmful to inhale.

The phrases "zero" and "low" are controlled by the EPA, and "zero" indicates up to 5 grammes of VOCs per litre, while "low" implies up to 50 grammes of VOCs per litre.

Low-VOC paints are great for outside usage, but zero-VOC products are the optimal choice for inside use since the air you breathe indoors must be clean, especially if you have children, pets, or respiratory allergies.

Brush Up Your Interior With "Natural" Paint

Eco-friendly, Natural and Green are ambiguous words often used without clear meanings. Though certain paints are biodegradable, when it comes to indoor paints, the term "eco-friendly" typically relates to the household setting instead of the environment.

When compared to standard paints, all such paints focus on improving indoor air quality by lowering possible off-gassing.

Although low and no VOC paints are preferable to traditional paints, they are nonetheless synthetic, and there are far more "natural" options available. Natural paint can help to lower the quantity of VOCs in the house, enhancing the quality of indoor air.

Natural paints are manufactured using natural elements such as clay, chalk, marble, and earthy and minerals pigments, rather than petrochemical (petroleum) or synthetic chemicals. Clay paint, milk paint, and lime paint are just a few of the various natural paint varieties available.

Micro-porous Livos Natural Paint allows the walls to breathe. There is no cracking or peeling as humidity is not absorbed within the walls and the paint coat.

These natural paints are compostable, easily disposed of, and even suited for a house composting process, thanks to their non-toxic, natural ingredients. When compared to synthetic paints, this reduces landfill tonnage, emissions, and disposing expenses.

Water-Based Paint Is Best

Nowadays, you won't be finding many oil-based paints in the marketplace. When choosing between an oil-based and a water-based product, the water-based option win since no minerals spirits or other chemical solvents are required for clean-up. Water-based alkyd paints are a viable alternative for areas where oil-based paints were previously utilised.

Responsibly Dispose Of Old Paint

Don't merely throw older dried paint or barely used paint cans in the garbage, and never flush paint down the drains. Oil-based paints and paint thinners must all be carried to a hazardous waste disposal government facility. Official guidelines for hazardous waste disposal for your area may be found by contacting them.

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